ECOLA, the European Conference of Leading Architects, have announced their two-yearly Award for the use of plaster and rendering in Architecture.
Our work OostCampus has received the Special Mention in the Renovation category.
149 projects from 16 European countries had been pre-selected by an international nomination jury, in two categories: Renovation and New Building. The nominated architects include Aires Mateus, Snøhetta, Baumschlager Eberle, Cino Zucchi.
The final jury session, presided by Sir Peter Cook, took place in Berlin on 8 May 2015, and selected the following Winners of the ECOLA-Award:
Renovation category
1st prize:
Conversion of a stone house in Scaiano, CH
wespi de meuron romeo architekten, Caviano, CH
Special mention:
OostCampus, Oostkamp, BE
Carlos Arroyo Architects, Madrid, ES
New Buildings category
1st prize:
High Performance Rowing Centre in Pocinho, PT
spacialAR-TE, Porto, PT
Special mentions:
Housing at the old city wall, Berlin, DE
Atelier Zafari, Berlin, DE
86 Apartments, Lyon, FR
Eric Lapierre Architecture, Paris, FR
Congratulations to the winners!
Find out more about OostCampus in our website or in Archdaily.
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