El jueves 8 comienza el III Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Construtec-COAM. Loading Madrid 2010, una de las actividades de la convención, es una muestra interactiva que ofrece una visión de la futura imagen de Madrid e incluye nuestro proyecto Camaleón Living en Rivas Vaciamadrid (ver item 021 en el mapa).
Thursday the 8th is the launching day of the III International Congress of Architecture Construtec-COAM. A main feature in the Congress will be Loading Madrid 2010, an interactive display offering a vision of the future image of Madrid, which includes our project Camaleón Living in Rivas Vaciamadrid (see item 021 on the map).
Thursday the 8th is the launching day of the III International Congress of Architecture Construtec-COAM. A main feature in the Congress will be Loading Madrid 2010, an interactive display offering a vision of the future image of Madrid, which includes our project Camaleón Living in Rivas Vaciamadrid (see item 021 on the map).