Dos dibujos del proyecto El Olivo y una impresión de la pista de despegue del aeropuerto de Barajas, de Carlos Arroyo, han sido publicados en el La mano dell’architetto, un Moleskine que reúne dibujos firmados por una selección de arquitectos contemporáneos.
Two drawings of El Olivo project and an impresion of the runway in Barajas Airport by Carlos Arroyo, have been published in La mano dell’architetto (The Hand of the Architect) a Moleskine that gathers signed drawings of a selection of contemporary architects.
Two drawings of El Olivo project and an impresion of the runway in Barajas Airport by Carlos Arroyo, have been published in La mano dell’architetto (The Hand of the Architect) a Moleskine that gathers signed drawings of a selection of contemporary architects.