Amadeu Santacana nos ha enviado estas fotografías de la exposición “Habitar, menjar i cuinar” del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cataluña COAC, que incluyó nuestro edificio TSM3, fotografiado por Miguel de Guzmán.
Amadeu Santacana has sent us these images of the exhibition “Habitar, menjar i cuinar” (Living, eating, cooking) at the Catalonian Architects Association COAC, which included our building TSM3, photographed by Miguel de Guzmán.
Amadeu Santacana has sent us these images of the exhibition “Habitar, menjar i cuinar” (Living, eating, cooking) at the Catalonian Architects Association COAC, which included our building TSM3, photographed by Miguel de Guzmán.